WhatsApp – Free Module for M2

Written by Mario SAM

Version: 1.0.0
Tested in: 2.4.1 Open
PHP: 7.3.9
Theme: LUMA
Last updated: 11/01/2021
Download for M2: local | github
M1 version available here.

What to expect from this module?

This module inserts a floating whatsapp contact button in your store.

This module should soon support more configuration options.

The settings

Understand the possible configurations of this module.

Enable Module: The module can be turned on / off at any time. Remember to clear the cache after changing.

Telephone Number: Enter the whatsapp number that will make the calls.

Button message: The message that appears next to the whatsapp button when you hover over the icon.

Welcome message: A message to the customer when opening the whatsapp dialog.

Display URL: Attach the URL of the page visited next to the welcome message.

Screen Position: Where the whatsapp button should appear on the screen.

Device: On which devices the contact button should be displayed.

Button Color: The color of the whatsapp button using CSS.

Custom CSS: A space to insert CSS code and customize the button presentation.

Customized Javascript: A space to insert javascript code and perform A/B tests, add new features, etc.

Going beyond…

The module, besides being free, is open source and available on github. This means that you can study, change, modify, customize, extend, improve, do whatever you want with it.

If you don’t know how to develop for M2, but would like to learn, I recommend Magento 2 The Course.

Did you like the module? Share on social networks, or make a donation here.


About the author

Mario SAM

Until an opportunity arises to move to the USA, I continue to help from distance.